11 definitions by JRW
by JRW February 26, 2005
Noun. The potent, and usually putrid, crotch odor that develops after about four days of sustained, strenuous activity without benefit of a bath; the malodorous mixture of testicle and ass sweat. Often associated with multi-day backpacking, biking or climbing trips.
by JRW April 28, 2005
As holla became more and more prevelant in the urban (then overall youth) scene, "Grita" emerged in Hispanic youth communities.
Holla -> Grita
Holla -> Grita
by JRW January 24, 2005
by JRW April 25, 2005
Verb. To slowly work one's way up a climb, bolt by bolt, resting repeatedly and spending significant time hanging on the rope rather than climbing from deck to anchors without a rest or fall.
by JRW April 25, 2005
by JRW April 25, 2005
Adj. Characterized by intense anxiety or fear, and accompanied by twitching muscles, rapid breathing, full body muscle contractions, testicular retraction and severe puckering of the anal sphincter; usually brought on by climbing on difficult terrain or WAY above your last piece of protection.
by JRW April 25, 2005