77 definitions by JONNY

An absolute demon on anything with wheels, be it a race-car, uni-cycle or even a shopping trolley. The average Dizza can easily perform a kick-flip in a golf cart.
Typical Dizza behaviour consists of fixing cars, riding bikes etc
1. Noun: You're such a dizza
by JONNY May 1, 2015
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some fuckin wanker that thought he could rip off the word noob
omg ur such a noobzor
by JONNY October 13, 2003
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People with this syndrome feel the need to talk absolute bollocks all the time.
Jim Bowen Syndrome Sufferer: Your wife is dead. Lovely, smashing, super...
by JONNY April 29, 2007
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State of being where your brain is so blank you're thinking retarded thoughts.
dude 1:"Dude, I was so out of it last i nite!"
dude 2"Yeah man, you were limnifigistic!"
by JONNY July 24, 2004
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People who are anti peace and are work machines with no respect for the environment
Any Republican

(specifically george bush and his bushies)
by JONNY March 31, 2005
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short for being showed up. Se also, owned, ruled, schooled
Man, you got uped bad.
by JONNY June 20, 2004
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