15 definitions by Iyad Mahdood

- To take a risk and cheat in a school exam which may result

in gaining high grades.
- to pass and excel at card games, an exam or other

- to ask for the best or the most you could hope for.
- To take a risk which may result in great rewards; to

succeed after taking such a risk.
- To attain great heights, a high value, or a numerically high

- Reham used to be a smart ass, but never gained high marks at school, but once she { shot the moon} in all her final exams, she became one of the first top ten students in the country.
- What? You'll flunk the test? Are you mad? Don't you have eyes to see? Are you driving me nuts? Don't you know that our classmate, Reham, {shot the moon} a week ago and passed with an honor? Go and {shoot the moon} or you will fail.
by Iyad Mahdood January 5, 2013
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Break a leg!: Good luck!
"I understand you have a job interview tomorrow, Reham. Break a leg!"
by Iyad Mahdood January 25, 2013
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bad-mouth: say unkind, unflattering, embarrassing (and probably untrue) things about someone.
Iyad: "I don't believe what Ihab said. Why is he bad-mouthing

Reham: "He's probably jealous of your success."
by Iyad Mahdood January 26, 2013
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restless; impatient and tired of waiting.
I hope Reham calls soon. Just sitting around and waiting is making me antsy.
by Iyad Mahdood January 25, 2013
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- I cannot focus; I need a fag.
- Reham, an underaged, smokes 50 fags a day.
by Iyad Mahdood January 25, 2013
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1. crap offensive (1): something worthless.

2. crap offensive (2): excrement.

3. crap offensive (3): falsehoods and lies.
1. "My furniture is a bunch of cheap crap."

2. "Yuck! I stepped on dog crap!"

3. "I've had enough of your crap."
by Iyad Mahdood January 26, 2013
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- (In Islam) procedure for washing parts of the body using

water, typically in preparation for formal prayers

called in Arabic "Wudu".
When Muslims perform ablution they wash the face once,

wash both the arms including the elbows once,

Perform masah (the act of ritually cleaning the head or feet with a small amount of water, running the wet hands over the head or feet before prayer) of one-fourth of the head, and finally wash both the feet once up to and including the ankles.
by Iyad Mahdood January 25, 2013
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