18 definitions by Ian Maxwell

To love.

Origin: Use of a stylized heart symbol in place of the word "love" in writing.
"wordomg/word! i heart that show!"
by Ian Maxwell November 4, 2002
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(1) The one who's always giving Strong Bad a hand.

(2) The one who's always messing up Homestar's plans.

(3) The one who's gonna start a rock'n'roll band.

(4) The one who's making out with Marzipan.

(5) The man that looks like The Cheat.

(6) The one with yellow feet.

(7) The dude that moves to the beat.

(8) Not the guy from 21 Jump St.
by Ian Maxwell March 9, 2003
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"You can shut up now." Used mockingly in reference to people who, using stupid-looking internet shorthand, will say "k thx bye" ("okay, thanks, bye") when making a request on a message board or chatroom.
I don't think I'll be risking massive security holes in the software just so that you can write in pink. K THX BYE
by Ian Maxwell March 10, 2003
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(applied to videogames) As difficult as a typical game for the original Nintendo Entertainment System (i.e., ridiculously difficult).
No, seriously, I mean the minigames are hard. Like, Nintendo hard.
by Ian Maxwell March 10, 2003
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v. To find temporary lodging or shelter, as for the night.
"If you don't have anyplace to stay, you can crash at my place for the night."
by Ian Maxwell December 6, 2002
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