11 definitions by ISaidWutISaid



(1) A Karen who does what Karens usually do towards people.
(2) Actions toward a person which is usually executed by Karens.
This Karen proceeded to Karenize me at the mall earlier. She was yelling at me and totally looked crazy while searching for the manager to get me fired.
by ISaidWutISaid December 15, 2023
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Black Mixed Man

Like a Black Mixed Woman, a black mixed man is a man who has mostly African ancestry while also having other races in his DNA.
I look black and I am black, but I have European, Middle Eastern, and Native American ancestry. I just want to recognize all of me instead of just one part. I'm a black mixed man.
by ISaidWutISaid July 1, 2018
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Meat Stretcher

A term coined by a pastor during a church sermon that was recorded on video.

1. An individual who initiates in mutual masturbation.

2. A homosexual jerking off another male.

3. A male who masturbates.
“He’s a meat stretcher! He’ll stretch your meat! Hallelujah!”
-An overly passionate pastor
by ISaidWutISaid December 25, 2023
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The characterization of being reserved, shy, sedate, and/or modest. Involves not wanting to bring attention to oneself and being well-mannered.
The boy was demure on his first day of school. Although he was to himself most of the day, he formed an acquaintanceship with a few of his classmates.
by ISaidWutISaid August 19, 2024
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An abbreviation which stands for Wet Ass Pussy.
Popularized August 7th, 2020 by Cardi B and Megan Thee Stallion's music video called WAP.
Boy 1: Her WAP was amazing last night.

Boy 2: Her what?
Boy 1: Hey wet ass pussy, bro.
by ISaidWutISaid August 8, 2020
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The actual word for the dislike/hatred for homosexuality.
It is often confused with homophobia, which is the irrational fear of homosexuality.
The homomisia is so rampant in this town that I saw a man yelling slurs towards a gay man and many people joined in on it.
by ISaidWutISaid December 24, 2023
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The dislike or hatred towards black people.

Negro, meaning people of African descent. The suffix, -misia (of Greek origin), meaning hatred/dislike.
Negromisia was common during slavery and Jim Crow era in the United States.
by ISaidWutISaid January 28, 2024
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