
Homomisia is a more etymologically accurate version of “homophobia.” Since most people aren’t scared of gay people, but rather, they hate them, “-mis-“ is a much more accurate Greek suffix.

Homomisia describes the hatred of, or discrimination inflicted upon, gay people.

Related words include: transmisia, queermisia, and lesbomisia
“Did you hear? Jacob is *totally* homomisic.”

“Really? That’s fucked up. Homomisia is such a problem at this school.”
by Foster-Florence June 16, 2021
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P1: Liberals are so Homophobic
P2:No, they’re no scared of gay people, they hate gay people, they’re Homomisia
by BrightBlueFrenchGuy June 24, 2023
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The actual word for the dislike/hatred for homosexuality.
It is often confused with homophobia, which is the irrational fear of homosexuality.
The homomisia is so rampant in this town that I saw a man yelling slurs towards a gay man and many people joined in on it.
by ISaidWutISaid December 24, 2023
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