9 definitions by I D Fine

A computer term used by geeks to describe a storage unit of over 10 terabytes.
This internal hard drive has a macstrocapacity of storage.
by I D Fine July 28, 2017
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1: A smart person that loves playing online games.
2: A nickname for Devin.
3: A train lover or someone who drives a train.
Hi Devin! Your a Trainman!
by I D Fine March 29, 2013
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A sex move to describe when the woman is covered in hardened caramel and has her legs pointing the opposite way of her partner's penis and sucks on her partner's penis while he licks the caramel off of her vagina.
WOMAN: I want some candy but I also want sex
DOCTOR: Caramoting is for you, then
WOMAN: What's that?
DOCTOR: Check Urban Dictionary
by I D Fine May 20, 2017
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A popular octopus-like food from the game RuneScape that is used commonly used by PvPers and PvMers alike to out-eat damage done by an opponent. The karambwan is a special food that has a slower eating speed, making it so you can eat it after another food in the same time it takes to eat only 1 food. It can be cooked after the Tai Bwo Wannai Trio in-game quest to be able to cook and fish this octopus for yourself. The karambwan was highly popularized by the lithuanian YouTube content creator known as "A Friend" or "EraserGaming".
I used a karambwan to tick-eat his DDS spec.
by I D Fine September 11, 2017
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(1) The thing that Urban Dictionary keeps bugging us to define. Finally we can define it.

(2) What we live on, the world that God created.

(3) All the planets in the universe count as 'Worlds' that God created.
(1 eg.) Define your world!

I did it already, f*cker!

(2 eg.) We live on the world called earth.

(3 eg.) Mars, Pluto, Moon, Sun, Earth, Uranis, Jupiter, Star all count as worlds.
by I D Fine July 25, 2013
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a word used on runescape used as an alternative for "lucky"
David: Wow, i've been really RNGous lately
by I D Fine May 16, 2017
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Spreocommunism is a political ideology similar to communism, where the leader does everything but every action is polled by the public (the public tells the leader what to do, and the leader polls it)

Some spreocommunist leaders are the previous 2 emperors of China, Pu Yi and Puyi Puyi, and the president of Libya, Mohammed Yousef el-Magariaf.
by I D Fine July 28, 2017
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