A train

The feeling of being able to accomplish anything while on adderall; often associated with a ten fold increase in productivity.
A: Hey man are you okay? What'd you do all day, didn't hear from you at all.

B: Yeah, I'm fine, just took a ride on the A train. Cleaned my room top to bottom, alphabetized my DVD's, and got all of my laundry done. AND finished that paper I put off for 2 weeks.
by ringtab November 5, 2010
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A train

yo, did you see that guy, looks like he's on the A train
by Jack de wack May 8, 2008
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The vehicle that moves fast and choo choos.
by Set Blue 23 October 4, 2017
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An activity usually involving multiple males and one female. The males usually take turns fucking the female and just then switch off after they get their nut in. An avetard gets extremely horny all the time and always thinking of this activity with any female he sees.
by TurnM3Up November 12, 2019
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A group of guys stand in a line outside a room. One by one, they enter the room to have sex with one girl inside. The line must have at least 7 guys to be qualified as a train.
"What's this line for?"
"We're running a train! Go to the back of the line."
by bigbadbob February 25, 2003
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To "run a train" in sexual terms means that a group of men wait to have sex with one girl. Usually it does not qualify as a train unless there are more than 7 men involved but the term train is used to describe any number that is more than 1 with a female. The female has sex with a man and after he cums another man enters the room to have sex with the female and so forth. It is only considered a train when the woman is fully aware of the situation and allows for the men to have sex with her. Otherwise it would be considered rape.

Differs and is often confused with gang bang. Train involves sex with one person at a time while gang bang is when a group of males having sex with a female at the same time.
"Shorty right there is a true freak. Me and my boys ran a train on that trick the other day."
by m-t-a July 1, 2006
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Something Bruno Mars would jump in front of.
I'd jump in front of a train for ya
by Gnar456654 March 31, 2011
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