15 definitions by I’m going to play guitardrums

Dude, did You hear the Wah Wah solo in A New Level? It’s amazing!
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Released into the world by people who needed them for wars and shit, and kept there by money hungry assholes who only make more and more so you’ll need one to defend yourself from them.
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Number. How old Ozzy is right now.
Dude, I saw 69 definitions of 69 on urban dictionary.

Why the fuck did you look that up you pervebag
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When you’re listening to a song that is really emotionally fitting, on a streaming service, and you are scrolling through your library and accidentally play another song, thus ruining the emotional connection.
Oh fuck. I was listening to “Solar Song” by Alcest, and I accidentally clicked on “Volcanic Birth” by Dragged Into Sunlight, and even though that song kicks absolute ass, I was in a great mood and alcest was much more fitting. I got Glonkerkle.
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A species of self centered, highly intelligent apes who fuck over everything else on the planet as well as each other. They invented weapons to kill each other and other animals and are heavily addicted to sex and food.
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A site where you can make fucking kickass drumming videos on your school computer
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