7 definitions by Hyphen_

Flex tape

A tape used to tie up the kids in my basement.

I mean...
If your wife is cheating on you use flex tape.
You wanna stab a goat use flex tape.
Kids haven't eatin in 7 days use flex tape.
Prostitute runs away, use, A GUN.
Gay person runs closer use A GUN.
by Hyphen_ July 5, 2020
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Dirty Karen

A dirty Karen stole my kids, which were adopted. Scared me when I found out they weren't mine. Sad day.
by Hyphen_ July 9, 2020
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Pillow sex

When you shove a prostitute's face into a pillow till she sufficates. Then fuck her corpse. Because prostitute's never love you when they're alive. You sad bitch
After pillow sex, you can take the money from the prostitute so you get sex for free. And make sure to look in places for the money you wouldn't expect them to be, like in her bra, pussy or her bitch manager's pants.
by Hyphen_ July 5, 2020
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noodle syndrome

When you blind someone with noodle sauce and then lick their ass.
by Hyphen_ July 5, 2020
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Dick penis

When a demon steals your penis rips the top of your penis off and drinks the sperm like diet cok.
I fucked a cactus and my Dick penis fell off.
by Hyphen_ July 5, 2020
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When you stick your dick in a microwave and the door and cook for five minutes
I met a Pansexual and then beat the shit out of whatever gender they were supposed to be and then fucked a pan.
by Hyphen_ July 5, 2020
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