15 definitions by Hybrid

Some stupid ass Website just like Gamebattles that people play to win money. Or in most cases u suck and lose all your wager because you ass
The kid lost $50 in a umggaming wager match
by Hybrid October 19, 2015
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The act of shitting on somebody, or watching somebody get shit on; see owned, ownage.
BackLash experiences shittage a lot, being that he is a complete retard with a keyboard.
by Hybrid July 6, 2004
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The drink that Goten's been chugging for over three years now.
"Mmm, that's some some super Saiya-gin. *hic*"
by Hybrid October 31, 2003
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Either replaces the word "fuck", or "bail".
1. If someone says if u want a smoke, you return saying: "Flag that."

2. If you gonna do something to irritate someone, you gotta get ready to "Flag"
by Hybrid September 10, 2003
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Similar to a jerk, but with strange connotations of a derogatory nature.
Possibly, related to homo (sexual)
Dude, your a real jerkmo
by Hybrid February 24, 2005
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The act of a guy spanking a girls ass with his member as he is ejaculating. Typicaly done at the start of the crack, just above the brown eye
That chick was so fine I chiliwhipped her ass.
by Hybrid October 13, 2004
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a term invented by an unknown "l33t h4xx0r" who most likely was a 12 year old AOLing faggot.

just flip it. youll understand its immaturity and stupidty then.
that n00b h45 a t1ny 51u3d lol!!!111
by Hybrid March 12, 2005
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