29 definitions by Holly M S

(noun) a penis that slides back into itself so that it becomes smaller and smaller, which can be the result of--among other things--cold, fear, and ugly women.
"The cold pool caused his telescoping penis to all but disappear."
by Holly M S May 22, 2010
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A person sexually enthralled by a sexual body part swinging freely from a fixed point, as in huge pendulous breasts or long swaying balls. (pendulum+lust)
"Oh, girl, your big tatas got him pendulusting."
by Holly M S May 20, 2010
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A catty straight woman who loves the company of gay men and has spent so much time around them that she’s begun to act like an attitude-ridden queen. With limp wrist and waggling head, she talks shit, starts shit, & won’t finish her shit, but at the end of the day still thinks she’s *FABULOUSSSS*
"Hey Vidal, where's your douche hag tonight?"
by Holly M S May 10, 2010
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a sexual experience that occurs on the hood of a car, especially from the male's point of view; a man having sex with a woman on the hood of her car
"Dude, I gave Missy some serious hood wood at the camp ground this weekend."
by Holly M S May 7, 2010
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(noun) (1)reasoning assessed according to strict principles of validity as defined by a man's penis. (2)the total and complete lack of actual logical thinking when a man's thinking with his junk. (3)the mechanism by which a man's penis can completely erase any rationality or reasoning capability.
At 11:30pm on a Tuesday night, Mark is out with a guy friend. He has to be up at 6am to go to work to do hard manual labor for a 10-hour shift. He's married with two kids. An older unattractive sloppy-drunk woman wants to take him home for sex. With all the above information, PENIS LOGIC only says to him, "Hey--It's NEW" so he goes with her. He later loses his job, wife, kids, and most of his future income to alimony/child support.
by Holly M S May 22, 2010
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The spectacle of concentrated groups of sexy gold-diggers that frequent the house parties of wealthy entertainers, usually rock/rap stars and womanizing party men of Hollywood.

A gaggle of groupie bimbos looking to land rich men.
"Dude, look at all these fine women. It's a f'n' crib parade in here."

"The Playboy Mansion is the ultimate crib parade."
by Holly M S April 24, 2010
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(noun) the crease created between two large breasts when they're pressed together in the middle. The valley of the cleavage.
With that push-up on, I *swear* Donna's got four inches of boobie grin goin' on.
by Holly M S May 24, 2010
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