61 definitions by Herbie

Australian, colloq, slang, drop trousers and underwear, bend, spread arse cheeks, and flash anus;
( similar to U.S. ' mooning ' )
Merv chucked a browneye at the footie game.
by Herbie August 25, 2004
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damn foo...you got took."
by Herbie February 1, 2004
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"Dude, where you from??"
"Sac dude."
( pause )
by Herbie January 25, 2004
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most me mates are brickies as well, we all meet up the pub for lunch
by Herbie August 25, 2004
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australian, n, 1) a cardboard box of beer, usually consisting of 24 tinnies, stubbies, or bottles of beer.
2) a cardboard box of cigarrettes usually consisting of 10 packs of 20 cigarrettes each.
Its all happening mate. bring yer cartons.
by Herbie August 25, 2004
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a weekly music magazine in seatte washington
at nearly every cafe in the entire state of washington
by Herbie February 1, 2004
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