16 definitions by Hans

The produced result of one straddling a toilet bowl in reverse, thus laying faeces across the front side of the porcelain. Often done to spite someone.
Hey, we went round to scrinsin joe's house. that guy is such a chop. I dropped a reverse kanga!
by Hans January 13, 2004
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Production "sport coupe" made by VW in the 70s and 80s. Last year of production was 1988 in the US, which had for 3 years been offered with the kick-ass 1.8l 16v motor (86-88). Most Sciroccos have been destroyed by rust or accident, but are greatly loved by the poeple that still have them.
"What the hell was that thing?"
"I dunno, but it said Volkswagen on the back"
by Hans August 25, 2004
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hard won, easily lost, and never fully regained
I used to trust my wife, we had been married for 20 years, then one day I came home and she was fucking the mailman, since I can't trust her anymore she has to wear a tracking device at all times.
by Hans October 4, 2004
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A possible place where stats & coins give you a certain prespective of your reputation.
An online gaming station for the purposed of receiving/sending invovation for possible education.
by Hans December 27, 2003
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sweet/strange chinese girl who knows every band on the planet. Her mom eats corn.
Help! I'm being attacked by yeeleacho!
by Hans April 6, 2005
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