4 definitions by HD Shell

Tractor pulls that end up on your banana hammocks (tighty whities).
More than two brown frowns and the skivvies go into the Goodwill bin.

The bus driver's gotta have a brown frown after that accident.
by HD Shell October 12, 2004
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appearing large and engorged; looming and massive
your hulking cock is most appreciated
by HD Shell August 21, 2004
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another word for brown frown or skid mark on one's skivvies as a result of overactive bowels
Donald's tractor pulls in no way compare to the laundering nightmare of Karl's brown frowns.
by HD Shell October 12, 2004
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a resounding fart that announces more to come.
Karl's gastric kickstand caused those familiar with his bowels to evacuate the building.
by HD Shell October 12, 2004
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