6 definitions by Greg Satin

the act of pleasuring ones self, usually while shouting obscenities such as "God yes" or "Get down"
"Everyone likes a good masterbate."
by Greg Satin January 16, 2003
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a pussie stretched to the limits of its wet skin
I was ready to fly when she was spread eagle
by Greg Satin January 17, 2003
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"She wanted to last night but 'the decrepid man' reared his ugly face again"
by Greg Satin January 16, 2003
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a wretchedly deformed pussie
"Oh my god...now that is one sickly twisted giggley!"
by Greg Satin January 16, 2003
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a right angled penis, ususally do to over bangage of the female ass
"Oh shit, I gave myself a bent bert last night "
by Greg Satin January 16, 2003
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