5 definitions by Gotti

A disappointment I chance to get humiliated in front of everyone you know a chance to get rejected a chance to kill yourself and start new a excuse to say why God why did you give me this world this body to live in
by Gotti February 17, 2016
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A dumb price of shit that is really fucking fat and he's a dumb ass and he sits around and eats twinkys all day
by Gotti February 9, 2016
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Fat,ugly girl who is grateful for a shag.
"That Janine off Eastenders looks like a right Pie Shop."
by Gotti February 4, 2004
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Oh i spured that nigga max for talking to much shit
by Gotti March 20, 2005
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The krunkest school in funktown
shhs is a krunk ass school
by Gotti November 13, 2004
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