56 definitions by Ghost

A guy who is such an asshole that calling him a mere asshole doesn't cut it.
Look, ASS FACTORY, I want my money back NOW or you'll be seeing the five of clubs!!!
by Ghost August 1, 2003
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1. A person that charges you full price at your local bar
2. A person of jewish decent that charges you full price at any establishment.
3. A roommate/friend that charges you full price for drinks that you didn't ask for at a local establishment, namely Bennigan's.
<Radames>Dude, I went to Bennigan's and asked Lance for a Sprite. He gave me two Crown and Gingers, then charged me for three of them. What a fucking Full Price Jew.
<Boston>JEW CLAW!!
by Ghost February 5, 2005
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1. An Irish-style chain restaurant/pub.
2. The place where half of the 711 crew ends their long day by downing some miller lites and hard liquor.
3. Home of the FPJ(full price jew).
<Radames>Steve, where you at?
<Bardo>I'm getting a Buff Chick San from Bennigan's.
by Ghost February 5, 2005
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A visible stain left on an object by dried semen.
Monica had a spunk stain on her dress.
by Ghost July 27, 2003
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a chick so ugly she looks like she tried to commit suicide Cobain style.
That chick is shotgun dude....
by Ghost March 24, 2005
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noun- one who pursues partfracticology
John is a partfracticologist
by Ghost December 6, 2003
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