6 definitions by George Wallace

And one more example of Black Ghetto Slang. This phrase was used in a "hip-hop" song.
Definitions include
1. To dance, thrusting the pelvic region
2. Have sex
3. Black girls have big butts, and "shake it" when they walk.
4. To Mastubate
Yo' g! Look at dat bitch, damn girl, you look so fine, shake it like a salt shaker bitch. Damn dat ho' is da shizzat.
by George Wallace May 11, 2004
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Another prime example of Black Ghetto Slang used quite extensivly. This word is a combination of 3 words in order to make it easier for them to speak.
1. Who
2. is
3. That

Is combined to create "whodat"

"hey?... "WHODAT?".... ah beaotch its the cops.. hide "da" crack!!!
by George Wallace May 11, 2004
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Also known for an insult to the horrible "alternative band" Puddle of Mud, by switching the first letters of the first and last words around.
I hate Muddle of Pud, they keep playing them 100 times a day. Damn they suck ass.
by George Wallace May 11, 2004
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Hey John yes George do you know why they call black people Monday's know why because everybody hates Monday's
by George Wallace May 19, 2018
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