8 definitions by Gatorprimus6969
When you give yourself a mild allergic reaction to thicken up your flem like a placenta to enjoy self pleasuring moreso.
by Gatorprimus6969 February 17, 2024
by Gatorprimus6969 August 15, 2022
The dingleberry in ur taint forms from the pancake batter from the ball powder and turns from a dingleberry to a jiffy roll after few days of not showering taking on the color of peanutbutter
I just pulled a jiffy roll out of my taint hairs smells like a hooker after taco tuesday and bukkake night that sat in the sun baking in my own body juices
by Gatorprimus6969 May 1, 2020
by Gatorprimus6969 November 13, 2022
by Gatorprimus6969 September 25, 2022
Took this hooker home the other night made a goreyhole outta her ass cheek and now I don't have to worry about unwanted kids
by Gatorprimus6969 October 16, 2022
When a man shits inside of a women's vagina and then cums inside of her right after and then mixes it up with his penis and then proceeds to eat her out
by Gatorprimus6969 August 11, 2022