12 definitions by GTI_Guy


(adj.) 1. the act of being a boob 2. witnessing stupidity in progress 3. a rather large brain fart
Did you see those guys? I swear...it was a boobation in progress! No way that ladder was going to fit inside that car!
by GTI_Guy September 15, 2006
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1. a person that can mix music from two or more sources at the same time, but it appears to be a single song from an outside observer
2. a person with enough balls to get up in front of a crowd of people and attempt to be 100% all the time, or else people will know
3. someone with musical ability to build up throughout their set, a sense of feeling, rythym and happiness from the proper selection of tracks
Tiesto, Eric Morillo, Paul Van Dyk, Judge Jules and David Morales are all examples of a DJ.
by GTI_Guy September 15, 2006
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The lowest possible bid one can make on 'Contestants Row' on the Price Is Right.
Thinking that everyone else overbid, Rob bet $1 for the golf set.
by GTI_Guy September 28, 2006
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Slang used to refer to a womans period. Because once a month, they can have an attitude and behave like Freddie Kreuger.
Guy 1: Hey dude, you go out with your girl this weekend?
Guy 2: No way man!
Guy 1: Why not?
Guy 2: Dude, freddie showed up and it all went to hell!
Guy 1: Did she at least give you a hummer?
by GTI_Guy October 24, 2006
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big slick

The best non-paired hand in Texas Hold'Em. This hand will usually be marked as a big hand for poker players however seasoned veterans might advise against betting the house on A,K as it quickly can become a very risky hand if there is no productive cards on the flop.

Also known as an 'Anna Kournikova' since the hand looks good...but rarely wins anything.
Pre-flop, Moneymaker was dominating with his big slick, A,K. But after the flop came out 8, 2, 10, it was Negranu with his set of 10's that had Moneymaker dominated and pot-committed.
by GTI_Guy September 25, 2006
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1. slang for 'the info' 2. asking for the low-down on something 3. 'information'
Hey man, we're heading out to that wedding tonight...but I need the 4-1-1.
by GTI_Guy September 17, 2006
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blockbuster night

Term used to define a date with a girl where you invite them over to watch a movie from Blockbuster Video with no real intention of watching the movie. The real intention is just to get the girl over and have sex.
Guy 1: Hey buddy what did you do last night?
Guy 2: I called my girl up and told her to come over to watch the DVD I rented last night.
Guy 1: Did you watch the movie?
Guy 2: Nah. It was just a blockbuster night.
by GTI_Guy October 22, 2006
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