26 definitions by GS71

by GS71 May 15, 2015
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The meaning brings in to question a persons incompetency or stupidity.

It is also a vine vegetable that can climb and can grow over any surface.
The cunt is so dumb he couldn't grow a choko vine over a shithouse.
by GS71 April 7, 2015
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Guys who send selfies to women with their cock out.
Sent this Beautiful Blond on Tinder a Slugshot...........Didn't get a reply.....
by GS71 April 7, 2015
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When you patience is wearing thin with either a person or person's or a particular task that is not going your way at the time..
For fuck's sake if i have to go to your house again and your not home i will be annoyed.....Love you honey...MWAH
by GS71 November 15, 2016
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Someone who does not spend any money.............period!
He was as tight as a fishes ass under compression when it came time to getting any money out of him.....cunt.
by GS71 April 4, 2015
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The definitive way to tell some one to "Shut their mouth"
"Neck up"........... CUNT.
"Neck up",,,,,did i ask for your fucking opinion.
"Neck up",,,,FUCKHEAD.
If in Australia, and someone is hanging around and you can't get a word in,you can say "Neck up you Blowfly',cunt likes the sound of his own voice.
by GS71 April 5, 2015
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I prefer to smoke Rollies than tailor made cigarettes.You know how many chemicals are in tailor made's.Not that it matters.
by GS71 April 6, 2015
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