40 definitions by GG

This is when you are standing up and a girl is eating your asshole out and jacking you off at the same time.
Me and Suzy skipped band practice and went behind a bush where she gave me a brown trombone.
by GG January 25, 2004
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Dictionary with more uber.
This is a uberdictionary.
by GG September 29, 2003
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Prepubescent girls who already dress like whores
by GG August 1, 2003
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Yet another word for a pussy. Derived from the fact that they sometimes smell of a fish tank.
Your mothers fish tank stinks up the whole fucking room.

You stupid fish tank.
by GG January 24, 2004
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A Pure And Utter Sex God Who Rules The Planet
by GG October 7, 2003
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the meal that is suppose to be between 6 am and 12 pm. Anything after that is called brunch.
I got up real early so I could eat breakfast today.
by GG January 27, 2005
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Jacar, typically a pretty big dude. Jacars tend to be sweet souls with a more intimidating look. Once you become friends with them they are the funniest in your friend group. Usually they aren’t the ones to be telling everyone there feelings and they keep it to themselves, but they are great listeners even if they don’t give you advice.
Person 1: I’m really scared of Jacar.
Person 2: Oh, Jacar and I are really good friends and he’s the best and really nice!!
Person 1: Hopefully him and I will be friends one day!!!
by GG October 14, 2019
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