42 definitions by G-unit


homosexer is a person who enjoys the penetration pleasures of "dabutt"
that homosexer sure likes it in dabutt!
by G-unit January 24, 2005
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small things

the small things that are enjoyable in the world. Like hot girls...wait thats a big thing. The small things are like when you take a dump and your shit comes out clean
damn man my small thing had so much room in her pussy.
by G-unit January 29, 2004
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the HELL

the slang G way to say "what the hell".
by G-unit May 27, 2004
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roto reutter

The instigator of all that is good and evil. Can mystify you with witty rhetoric and unconrehensable "Texas slur-slang." Self claimed pimp and overall badass. Gives much respect to the Shiner and nothing and no one else. Will decimate your physical and mental make up if given the chance. Use extreme caution when approaching. But make no mistake, this Champion of chumps will go down in history and on you if the money is right. We love you.
by G-unit October 21, 2004
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that bitch over there is a pimpette
by G-unit November 22, 2003
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Internet Gangsta

you because your reading this web site for gangsta related shit, instead of going out on the street and selling drugs and getting fucked up.
Get CruCNK NiGga!!!..... oh wait you dont get fucked up cuz your in intanet gansta..

Im smacked as shit
by G-unit October 8, 2004
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