5 definitions by FrenglishMan101


The Country that practically invented Porn because they invented can can dancing and watched the monarchs fuck and started a revolution when the monarchs didn't want them to want people to watch them fuck also a country that has a lot of stereotypes and would probably ranks 3rd on most stereotyped country also it's the country that frenchaboos adore also people think France has a terrible army when they are a nuclear power. The only stereotype that is true is that the french protest all the time
France is a country with very enthusiastic people
by FrenglishMan101 June 7, 2020
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Twenty Highlighter Girl

A Twenty-Highlighter Girl is usually a girl named Zoey who gets As and takes a gagillion notes. Usually, a Twenty Highlughter girl is a bitch who snitches on John when he tries taking Mrs. Thompson's spot as a teacher and then won't allow Andrew into Class because she's so special;
Dave: Did you hear about how Zoe is a Twenty Highlighter Girl
Jym: yeah I heard she snitched on John and wouldn't allow Andrew into the Class
by FrenglishMan101 June 19, 2023
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Someone who is french but was suppressed by the English when their ancestors were in Canada and they are trying to reconnect to their heritage. An example of Frenglish would be someone who speaks english but has a french heritage and will sometimes speak with a french accent and sometimes speak french for responses like if they get a something they will say Merci or Je vous remerci and speak english to sum it up it's a mix of english and french but it's a french guy trying to reconnect to their culture
He is Frenglish Because he's trying to reconnect to his culture
by FrenglishMan101 June 6, 2020
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Certified Classic Moment

Certified Classic Moments share the moments in life we look back to and we hold nostalgia for although being recent it can also be used to describe a collage of photos or any random moment in life out of boredom
Jake: bruh last night was a certified classic moment

Jym: yes it was a certified classic moment Stacy made a collage of all our certified Classic Moments
by FrenglishMan101 August 27, 2022
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Someone who shows up in a live stream and starts talking about something completely off topic they also treat everything like a christian minecraft server and get offended easily like a SJW some Newfags are SJWs
(a live Q&A)
Newfag: Are you christian
Streamer: Yes I'm Catholic

(A few moments later after the streamer swears)

Newfag: You're going to go to hell for swearing and the pope claims to be jesus and catholics are so opressive
Streamer and moderators: stop being a NewFag also this stream isn't about religion you NewFag this youtube channel isn't religious

Newfag: (Starts talking about religion and tells the streamer they're going to go to helll if they don't repent or change their opinion)

then the newfag gets blocked or leaves usualy
by FrenglishMan101 July 28, 2020
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