15 definitions by Fishyrich


A quick one off the wrist. Derived from a combination of jism and wrist. Not related to fisting.
I was supposed to be summarizing the document but instead I was in the bathroom gisting.
by Fishyrich October 17, 2011
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Sixt means 33.
Sixt as a word is half-way between six and sixty so it is 33.
"How many car hire companies can you name?"
"So many?"
by Fishyrich March 8, 2019
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A security protocol for IT systems. Normally written as FR-IBB/LE, this represents the highest level of physical and logical security and requires a rigorous assessment.
We have developed a new bank-grade system with Fribble security certification. It was essential to ensure it met the FR-IBB security standard with LE encryption otherwise it would not have been accepted.
by Fishyrich February 27, 2012
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Sex in a public place for the viewing pleasure of others; specifically in a motel lodge car park. Derived from a combination of "dogging" and "lodge".
Our favourite dogging venue was out of action so we resorted to lodging, using the nearby motel car park.
by Fishyrich February 27, 2012
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Cow topping

The selective removal of the extremities of a cow. Such trimming can give better shape to the cow and will encourage further growth.

When cows grow too leggy, it can be helpful to lop excess growth, which will promote the cow to fill out instead of growing too tall and spindly.

Not to be confused with cow tipping, which is the act of giving monetary reward to cows that have provided good service.
Monty Don: In this episode of Gardeners' World, I will be showing the techniques of cow topping, using my small chainsaw and pruning secateurs.
by Fishyrich June 2, 2019
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"coming out of the cupboard" is a term to decribe the act performed by claustrophile glory-hole fetishists.

The participant enters a cupboard and sticks his manhood through the glory hole for a happy ending.
Al: "I think a seagull just shat on me in the kitchen"
Jon: "No, that's just Roy, coming out of the cupboard. Do you see the glory hole drilled in it?"
by Fishyrich September 10, 2012
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ima = I'm a

Means "I am a"...

I am a person who says, "I am going to stop saying ima".
by Fishyrich July 28, 2014
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