330 definitions by Fearman

Species of environmental activist (Gimius Limelitius), that sadly is nowhere near the endangered list. Considers itself waaay above any kind of requirement to deal in accurate information, to think rationally, or to treat the opposition fairly. Exists across a range of habitats, including fields of actually or allegedly transgenic crops (preferred activity: uprooting), banks of TV cameras (preferred activity: indulging in purple and impassioned pleas to rest of population that generally involve mentioning children) and rooms set aside for public debate with scientists (preferred activities: screaming, name calling, pulling hair and storming out in a huff). Its favourite habitat, though, is up a tree, preferably as high a tree as possible and especially one that stands along the route of a planned motorway. The species reproduces itself by way of books and websites featuring the kind of fuzzy logic once associated with the likes of Charles Berlitz. It associates mostly or entirely with its own kind and its only predator is Homo Scientificus Rationalis, or so it claims. Often covered in carbuncles, some of which may be mistaken for quartz crystals, and may smell musky or musty, depending on the weather. Claims to be herbivorous. Among biologists, opinion is divided between whether this species represents part of the order of mammals, or that of reptiles. Others say there is just something fishy about it.
Look at those ego-warriors, uprooting your man's sugar beet and claiming to be out to save the Earth.
by Fearman August 15, 2007
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To imply condemnation of someone by praising them for utterly unimportant details. From Alexander Pope's Epistle to Doctor Arbuthnot (1733): "Damn with faint praise, assent with civil leer, and, without sneering, teach the rest to sneer."
Damn with faint praise:

One thing you can say for the force that invaded Iraq, at least they kept their uniforms clean.

Among statesmen of the twentieth century, Joseph Stalin truly and undeniably knew how to trim his moustache.

The Creationist propaganda movie was recorded on what were physically some of the finest rolls of film I've ever watched. As for the arguments and evidence recorded on them, well ...,

From Batman (1989):
On the other hand he had a tremendous singing voice.
by Fearman March 4, 2008
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A woman with enough good taste not to be interested in guys.
That's lesbians for ya. Ladies with taste.
by Fearman September 16, 2007
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1. In Ireland, someone who wants the Six Counties back. Typically votes for Sinn Fein, although in the 26-county republic the centre-right majority party Fianna Fail have tried to steal the mantle.

2. In general, someone who supports democracy and dislikes monarchies, even as figureheads.

3. In the United States, someone who screams about persecution of a minority when the minority is very rich and the "persecution" comes in the form of taxation. The symbol is an elephant, presumably because the trunk hoovers up all the money. Someone who is staunchly pro-life ... at least if the life in question can afford a good lawyer. Will fight the terrorists du jour with every nigger/spic/piece of poor white trash they can scoop off the streets, but not themselves and not with their Johnny. You don't have to be an imbecile to be a Republican, but it certainly helps. Living proof of the falsity of their own cherished belief in the pseudoscience of Creationism. You'd think that in three billion seconds, never mind three billion years, God would have gotten it right.
I'm a Republican! Long live the 32-county republic!

I'm a Republican! Down with the Queen!

I'm a Republican, thank God! Where's my next trillion bucks gonna come from?
by Fearman November 5, 2007
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All-singing, all-dancing: state of the art, perhaps a little conceited, best new thing. Popularised by the movie Fight Club (1999), starring Brad Pitt, David Norton, Meatloaf and Helena Bonham-Carter, directed by David Fincher and based on the novel by Chuck Palahniuk.
We are the all-singing, all-dancing crap of the world.
by Fearman May 28, 2008
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1) Graphic novel by Frank Miller.

2) Movie based on parts of the novel and directed by Miller and Robert Rodriguez. The setting is the fictitious Basin City, its popular name marked out by some slashes on a road sign. The women are either cute or out-and-out goddesses, and the guys are ... interesting. Jessica Alba is exotic dancer Nancy Callaghan. Devon Aoki is the mute guardian angel of the red light district, skilled with any kind of weapon you care to mention short of a nuke; if you gotta go, she'll take you out in style. Rosario Dawson is indeed a Valkyrie. Benicio del Toro is a gormless thug. Clive Owen is Dwight McCarthy, your average unforgettable noir antihero. Mickey Rourke is Marv, think Arnold Schwarzenegger only without that accent and a lot grittier. Nick Stahl gets yellower by the minute. Elijah Wood is Kevin, a mute cannibal with a yen for martial arts; in a smart career move, about as far from Frodo Baggins as you could imagine. (However great Peter Jackson's work is, you don't want to get typecast.) Also starring Alexis Bledel, Michael Clarke Duncan, Josh Hartnett, Jaime King, Michael Madsen, Powers Boothe and Rutger Hauer.

Filmed in black and white with colour highlights, this one is an out-and-out gem. Its sequel is set to screen in 2009.
Lines from Sin City:

Marv (with one hand out the car door grating a low-life's face off against the asphalt at 125 mph): I don't know about you, but I'm having a ball ...,

Marv: And when his eyes go dead, the hell I send him to will look like heaven after what I've done to him.

Dwight: She made a Pez dispenser out of him.

Various: Yeeesh ...,
by Fearman December 2, 2007
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1. Wealthy.

2. Drunk, as in under the affluence of inkahol. (Meaning the influence of alcohol, as might be mispronounced when inebriated.) Also associated with the other meaning because either condition (ought to) make your troubles float away.
Give him five shots of whiskey and he's affluent.
by Fearman August 6, 2007
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