6 definitions by Fact-Checker

Used to identify individuals that are suspicious associates/connected or has history

to npa groups.

mostly used when a certain behavior of an individual is showing support related to the npa groups
The term Red tagging is used in the Philippines.
jolly: there is a huge news relating to red tag.
gigi: i know, its everywhere.
jolly: as long npa exist, red tagging wont end
by Fact-Checker March 1, 2021
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Its a offensive term of pilipino of (gender neutral)

The word pilipinx can also be seen as offensive and racist to the some Filipino especially the natives, because of how it's trying to bring birth of a new dialect and imposed their "western ideology" within the Filipino Language/culture.

pilipinx and filipinx is the same
bob: why someone wants a new word of pilipino?
lea: you talking about pilipinx?
bob: yup, pilipino is already gender neutral. there was no need
lea: i agree, hearing that word sounds so wrong in many levels
by Fact-Checker February 26, 2021
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Also known in the Philippines as ''New People's Army''
A group of people that are anti-government. And are known to incite fear and terror towards locals and foreigners alike in Philippines.

A group that kidnaps, manipulate and brainwash kids,teens that are use to rebel against the government and are taught to wield firearms in a very young age.
illa: i seen news that many people kids are being taken by npa
ewilson: really? thats terrible!
illa: i need to make sure my kids are safe

ewilson: ME TOO! npa are the worst
by Fact-Checker February 26, 2021
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A Westernise forced ideology gender-neutral term of ''Filipino'' (despite "Filipino" is a gender-neutral word)

The word Filipinx can also be seen as offensive and racist to the some Filipino especially the natives, because of how it's trying to bring birth of a new dialect and imposed their "western ideology" within the Filipino Language/culture.

It can be also mistaken as a Chinese name because of how it pronounce (enx/inx) in the end. and can be seen as being racist to a fellow filipino

Filipinx and Pilipinx definitions are both the same
Example 1:
Toto: have you ever heard the word Filipinx?
Tita: never, what does it mean?
Toto: its a gender-neutral term of the word filipino created by Americans or filipino-americans
Tita: WHAT?! That sound so racist and stupid
Toto: i know right, that's what my friends also told me. besides Filipino is already gender-neutral word LOL

Example 2:
johnny: where you from?
bea: im from the Philippines

johnny: Oh!! you'r a Filipinx
Bea: Filipinx? what? what is that?
johnny: its a gender-neutral word of Filipino
Bea: but... Filipino is already a gender-neutral word..

johnny: .......
by Fact-Checker February 25, 2021
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It is never okay to wash any color to your ideal standards. No matter if its yellow,white,black,red etc. It is a negative word and can be seen racist in other race,country.
Its still have the same concept as whitewwashing, yellowashing etc
blackwashing may exist in western countries it does not exist in Asian countries due to the different culture,tradition and history.
by Fact-Checker February 28, 2021
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The opposite of whitewashing but still have the same concept. trying to change a person color just to inflict insult,hate,provoke,spite,envy and impose their ideology on another individual.

While this term is common in the western world, it does not exist in Asian countries due to the different culture and history.

Blackwashing can also be seen mostly in social media where the so called artists try to "fix art" into their westernized 'ideal art' despite the fact it looks normal.
popo: lea is a victim of this Blackwashing art, some trying to changed his style into westernized artsy

liko: lea is asian, its common sense she will draw asian art style embedded with asian culture
popo: yup, those people are literally being racist without even knowing.

liko: everyone should love each other arts and inspire not insult and inflict hatred.
popo: wished everyone is like that be respectable...
by Fact-Checker February 28, 2021
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