25 definitions by FSRueful

A form of earrape that people record, modify, and put on YouTube that is generally related to high school classes teaching Spanish. When the teacher walks into the room at the start of his/her period, this is often what he/she would say. Over time, the teacher's voice becomes more hoarse through all of the talking he/she must do in class, so students make earrape out of recordings of their teachers saying "Hola, chicos" at the start of every session.
Person A: My gawd, you should have seen that HOLA CHICOS earrape Person B posted on their channel.

Person C: I already did. Poor Señora Dolores, if she sees this she'll cry in the closet and give us all detention afterwards.
by FSRueful July 16, 2020
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Shorthand for melissophile. A person with a lewd attraction towards stinging insects and, often, have a fetish for having their genitals stung or bitten by these insects.
You know he's not just a crackhead beekeeper--he's also a melisso.
That one melisso let out the school bees last year to fulfill herself before she was expelled on the last day of senior year.
by FSRueful April 19, 2021
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People that forget that it is July (during that month) for no reason.
The thot walked outside in a bikini; her friends looked at her attire while they were wearing parkas, and that was the moment when they knew they were julidiots.
by FSRueful July 15, 2020
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A machine used in manufacturing soda bottles that is used to cap, or "hat," each unit.
In other countries, the Capping Machine is called a "Hatting Machine." It is not to be confused with either the Rinsing Machine or Filling Machine.
by FSRueful August 20, 2021
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n. A breed of pygmy goat that when exposed to a threatening stimulus, screams for a few second but then loses consciousness, further to locking its knees so they stand straight in the air while it rolls onto its back and "plays dead."
The fainting goat dropped to the ground when the horse in the adjacent stall bucked at the wall.
by FSRueful February 13, 2019
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A derogatory term used by people to insult those with noses that are hooked in a way that make those people appear to have a parrot's beak.
Look at that parrot Rubber Andy over there, his nose is sticking out of his helmet!
As you can see in that prehistoric codger's photograph, he was a parrot. That's why he didn't get girls.
by FSRueful July 16, 2020
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A class in many video games that uses ranged and elegant melee techniques as well as animistic magic to connect to nature.
DM of D&D, "The Ranger attacks the Lich with a Harpoon Arrow and the Lich takes 50 piercing damage, the first critical hit in today's session."
Ranger's Player, "Yeet. I think it's great that I chose this class specifically for greatness."
by FSRueful January 12, 2019
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