20 definitions by FREEasAbird

Helena needs a leg up now. Give her a leg up and then you can lift her skirt. So this gets in.
Helena is gangsta. Shes ready to get made!
by FREEasAbird December 30, 2020
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2020 is the year to act with 20/20 vision

to create your best life.
Elena knows that 2020 will be about family, art, travel, nature and health and wealth on all levels.
by FREEasAbird January 2, 2020
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A perspective lesson on how someone feels. It is wise to find out how someone feels to you before letting them in. Some suitors study up on you and know exactly how to act what to say what to do for you to choose them be kt as a friend sister husband wife parter employee etc. Because they do not feel right, they show signs of coverjng up their true selves, which are ugly, malicious, vile. Or that they are con artists etc. They will make you laugh, babble non stop. When silent they keep their distance. The day you finally feel them, after being charmed, impressed, you realized you have been duped. They wanted something from you. Feel them out right at the get go to avoid the betrayal that they have been planning.
How someone feels is critical.
by FREEasAbird January 4, 2020
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Sheila! Sheila!! Sheila!!! What an angel!! Once you meet a Sheila never and I mean this NEVER let her go. This girl is probably one of the nicest, sweetest and loyal person you shall ever meet. Though they can be very idealist and innocent. A Sheila is that friend that will never say good things about you behind your back. When a Sheila laughs.... OMG... They are the most purest humans they have an honest some may think childlike laugh. They are so genuine. Is funny without even knowing it. PLEASE if you there is a Sheila in your life appreciate her, there's not as many Dope people in this world.
OMG guys I think I just found my Sheila!!!”
by FREEasAbird October 12, 2019
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Urban camping is a positive spin on homelessness. Always look on the bright side!
Nowhere to sleep unexpectedly for an unknown period of time. I'm a gonna sleep on the side of the road and call it urban camping!
by FREEasAbird January 7, 2020
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Deja vu can be a positive feeling in that it may put you at ease with the familiarity of a person you think you have never met. Clarity after the fact will show that you have deja vu with a feeling person place because you have met or been there before either earlier on in your life in a movie or in a trip to the future. It can be a negative feeling if reminding you of a person event etc in which things went awry, did not go as hoped for, etx
When experiencing the sensation of deja vu, it is best to shhhhh and listen. Become as aware as possible of who you are with, your surroundings. Is this all going to play out the way it did before?

I heard a great song on youtube about deja vu by Jack.
by FREEasAbird January 28, 2020
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White girl Wednesday is deemed necessary by certain White girls. To prepare, they get spray tans, drink too much, pad their bodies to fake curves, and valley girl complain about White boys that want everyone other than White 👧 s. Then they go shopping for the perfect look, take selfies, tell each other they look great and inside think I'm the finest it is so perfect to be the only perfect appearing one in this group of White girls. This def is fictional by the way. It went extinct in the 90s.
All eyes on us on White girl Wednesday's! White girl drunk tonight, Becky and Marsha Marsha Marsha! Don't be so divisive!
by FREEasAbird January 4, 2020
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