10 definitions by FM Punk

Someone who looks to others to believe in him because he does not believe in himself.
She always has to stroke his ego! Yeah bro her boyfriend is a chump!
by FM Punk October 18, 2018
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That dude believes everything he hears and says but has no clue about what is actually happening.
That person believed that? Then they are a sucker!
by FM Punk October 18, 2018
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Someone who constantly complains about everything can be a man or woman.
Man why do you even talk to him or her all they do is bitch.
by FM Punk October 18, 2018
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A person who believes everything he or she hears or is so out of place that they are easily targeted by people that mean harm or fair game for bullies.
That person is so easily fooled everyone can tell that they are a mark.
by FM Punk October 18, 2018
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That dude is a chump, a punk, a bitch, a fag, a pussy, a fake, a ho. Man slow down NOBTA!
by FM Punk October 18, 2018
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Someone that needs someone to constantly stick up for them.
Man don't bring him along he is a punk if he drinks then you know you have stick up for him so someone does not hurt him.
by FM Punk October 18, 2018
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A boy in age but a man in demeanor.
How old is your little man? He is at school and he is only five years old.
by FM Punk October 18, 2018
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