451 definitions by Ereck Flowers
Our favorite characters from childhood have significant meaning together in adulthood, and that is a coincidence.
by Ereck Flowers March 12, 2015
When you take drugs when you aren't supposed to, and that defines you for the rest of your life.
by Ereck Flowers November 7, 2018
Using the fact that you're human to get as many advantages in life as possible until a tragic demise. (Synonymous with "Playing the human card infinitely")
Some people who die young are accused of milking their humanity. Milking your humanity makes people forget you after you die.
by Ereck Flowers September 6, 2016
by Ereck Flowers November 14, 2018
He's sure goofy aloof, isn't he?
by Ereck Flowers May 3, 2019
by Ereck Flowers November 14, 2018