4 definitions by Easy Rider

From "semi" and "ars", hence any half-arsed discussion.
Monty: Hello Cuthbert, let's go spend peoples money on a pointless seminar to massage our own egos.
Cuthbert: Excellent idea, I'll bring the scones and Giles can make the tea.
by Easy Rider August 27, 2004
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A tricky one. In the jock world, this refers to a protein shake with a banana blended in.

However, a notable non-jock, one K-Settle employs the term to refer to his fondess for fruital experimentation.
Jock: Man that was a tough workout, I'm gonna need a banana-buddy fairly sharpish to fuel my muscles.

K-Settle: Has anyone seen my banana-buddy? I need to muscle in up my fuel pipe.
by Easy Rider August 29, 2004
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Taken from the German "Scheisse" before the removal of the dopple s from the language. Oft mistaken for a vulgar expression, this delightful word is a preposition, indicating that the following sentence will intone some form of misfortune. Normally extended by the '!', the number of these used indicating the extent of the expected misfortune.
Scheize! My brakes are broken.
Scheize!! My coaches training program is crazy
Scheize!!! My slim stunner from last night has been whisked away on the beer scooter and magically replaced with the spawn of Moby Dick and Jabba the Hut
by Easy Rider August 27, 2004
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A rowing boat, distinguished by its yellow hull: the stiffness and quality of which, like K-Settle's banana-buddy depends on age:

an empacher less than 5 years old is kick ass if you own it and shit scary if you're racing against one.

an empacher over 5 years old is a heap of shit
Imagine a crew rowing on the 30th June, 2004, in an empacher built at 20:00, 30th June, 1999

19:59 - With this uber empacher, we are assured of victory
20:01 - Scheize!! meine empacher is broken
by Easy Rider August 29, 2004
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