4 definitions by Dudes_reald

The best place to be! Found in the pocket of your ripped jeans. A land filled with Melanie Martinez and Billie Eillish vibes!
Person 1: Have you ever been to Lanariasin?
Person 2: No, what is it?
Person 1: Heaven
by Dudes_reald November 11, 2019
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Person: Hey, do you have duckinidis?
Person 2: What?
Person: Does something quack in your pants??
by Dudes_reald August 16, 2019
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When something quacks in your pants (That’s not your phone notifications)
Person 1: Do you have duckinidis?
Person 2: What?
Person 1: Does something quack in you’re pants??
by Dudes_reald August 16, 2019
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