21 definitions by Dr. Todd Reezee

The act of shoving your flacid dick and both balls into a womans mouth when she is snoring. Then you scream, "rise and shine bitch."
My girl wouldn't stop snoring so I fed her the huevos rancheros
by Dr. Todd Reezee January 25, 2009
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The discreet exchange of two items, usually drugs and money, disguised as a handshake. usually followed by putting the hand that was used into ones pocket.
"Ill meet you out front. Its gonna be a quick hand n hand, I'm in a hurry."
by Dr. Todd Reezee March 6, 2009
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The act of blowing kush smoke into a crowd of women on a smoking patio of a bar and watching for the one who pops her head up to see where the smoke came from. When one does you say under your breath, "gotcha bitch." Then offer her a toke. Your odds of trashbagging her that night are much higher than any other woman there. Trust me.
Friend 1: what did you do last night?"
Friend 2: I was in hollywood, groundhoggin all night. I trashbagged this mexican chic from downey.
by Dr. Todd Reezee January 25, 2009
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The black resin one scrapes out of a pipe used to smoke marijuanna.can be called such when selling it to rookies because one is broke.
"Yeah dude this is African Hash. I got it from my uncle. Two hits and your wasted."
by Dr. Todd Reezee January 25, 2009
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A single, generous sized, line of cocaine.
"Yo, cut me a Yisrael."
by Dr. Todd Reezee January 28, 2009
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One eigth of a kilo, or four and a half ounces of whatever you're talking about.
"I started with a ball and next thing I knew I was C.O.D. on a 125."
by Dr. Todd Reezee January 28, 2009
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When you delete your number and all texts and calls logged in a womans phone who you've just met while she's sleeping after a romp at her place and you leave without a trace. You don't clean anything and don't leave anything of yours.
"Remember that chunky blonde from the Redrock?"

"Yeah she looked like a reeeal slut"

"I went to her place last night and gave her the halucination."

"Shut up! You're the man!"

"And ill never go to Redrock again."
by Dr. Todd Reezee March 6, 2009
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