1417 definitions by Dr Bunnygirl

When something is so incredibly sad that it’s uproariously funny.
The experience of noting the sad-funny quality of someone or something is really quite confusing as the tears roll down your cheeks but you are laughing like a wild ninny at the same time!
by Dr Bunnygirl June 14, 2023
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Any given town in the US that is overrun with dogs.
Jeez, I can’t hear a single word over all that crazy barking; we must be smack in the middle of Dogville, USA!
by Dr Bunnygirl August 2, 2019
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A descendent of Rasputin, the highest ranking Russian mobster and serial killer who lists the Grabber in Chief as his biggest fan.
Assputin is a seriously cool dude, he got those Hillary emails when I told him to!
by Dr Bunnygirl August 3, 2018
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The unintelligible world of beliefs based on the wildly contorted, ignorant spew emanating from the vacant brain and uninhibited pie-hole of the Republican U.S. Representative from Colorado, Lauren Boebert.
“I choose to live right here in Boebertworld because I would otherwise have no other comparable income; having no defined sense of self or beliefs that aren’t funded by the far right racist gunboys who write my absurd statements as they get high in their mother’s basements,” uttered Ms. Boebert in an uncharacteristic moment of honesty.
by Dr Bunnygirl June 16, 2022
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A borrowed term applied to the fact that the jet-setting madam, Ghislaine Maxwell, is still around to drop her silver hammer upon the guilty heads of the powerfully rich and famous.
Bang-bang, Maxwell’s Silver Hammer came down on his head; bang-bang Maxwell’s Silver Hammer made sure that he was dead!”
by Dr Bunnygirl August 12, 2019
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There is no doubt that he is one of the most boneless guys on Earth.
by Dr Bunnygirl November 28, 2019
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Description of ho-hum, everyday occurrences online.
Russian hacking of our newsfeeds, our election and our online lives overall has become entirely dot common.
by Dr Bunnygirl April 29, 2019
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