1305 definitions by Dr Bunnygirl

A childlike and less offensive way of suggesting that something might be bullshit.
Oh Dad, that totally smells like cow ass!
by Dr Bunnygirl August 12, 2019
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Slang for the clever capacity to observe someone from a distance and learn volumes about them.
He often uses his exceptional crowvision right after the job interview just to get a better idea who the candidate really is.
by Dr Bunnygirl February 25, 2019
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Nickname for a prize winning fart champion who is so flatulent that the powerful gaseous rumbling nearly blows his shorts clean off.
We called him thunder shorts; he was truly the master blaster.
by Dr Bunnygirl June 9, 2019
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A fictional perfect town where there are no predators of any sort, located in the heart of the Midwest, where even bunnies can live and thrive and have no fear of romping freely about, day or night.
I wanna go to Hopland and have a joyous life that is worry-free without all of the layers of fear and caution that most Americans must manage in their daily lives.
by Dr Bunnygirl June 1, 2023
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A person who has a one-track mind, one that spins in circles, generally on a single, annoying topic without ever really making a valid or substantial point.
Our President is a complete hamsterhead when it comes to his fixation on insulting the appearance or mannerisms of members of the media who are critical of his ineptitude.
by Dr Bunnygirl July 3, 2017
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Residual and repeated intrusive recollections of having the catheter removed from one’s penis.
My Posttraumatic Catheter Disorder is a bear; just seeing someone using a drinking straw can send me into sudden paroxysms of fear.
by Dr Bunnygirl September 12, 2019
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The prolific lexical genius who has contributed more than 1,600 words and phrases to Urban Dictionary since 2017.
I have begun many a day perusing the inspired volume of entries Dr Bunnygirl has gifted to the world via Urban Dictionary.
by Dr Bunnygirl May 2, 2021
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