4 definitions by Djyjjfhjdgnhdcbv

Someone that you'll never fully know. As soon as you think you've figured him out he'll do something that surprises you. Maybe he's hurt you in some way, but you'll find out a reason for that deeper than you ever could've imagined.
Alberto is a very deep person.
by Djyjjfhjdgnhdcbv January 6, 2019
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Definition 2: A person that never answers your texts
Lexy: Omg he's lemoning me again
Roxanna: He's such a lemon he needs to become a sweet fruit.
by Djyjjfhjdgnhdcbv October 1, 2018
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An amazing friend that'll be never be tired of your complaining. Roxanna's are usually really weird and fun. But that's all to cover how sensitive and insecure they are Inside. If you meet a Roxanna appreciate her and make her feel amazing because she deserves it soooo much. She is be perfect for a guy that is weird and funny.
Guy 1: I'm going out with Roxanna
by Djyjjfhjdgnhdcbv August 9, 2018
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The best friend you'll ever meet. Whenever you need advice he'll be there for you and he'll always make you feel better about yourself.
Person 1: My best friend's rohat.
Person 2: OMG. You're so luckyyyy
by Djyjjfhjdgnhdcbv August 9, 2018
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