18 definitions by Devil Kisses

Mom: How was school?
Kid: CBBCBW...
by Devil Kisses December 17, 2011
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Great music to listen to if you don't want people to know what you're listening to.
Bob: What should I do ifI don't want people to know what I'm listening to?
Karin: Just listen to danish music.
Bob: Why?
Karin: Because americans don't seem to care about danish music.
Bob: Ok...
by Devil Kisses December 17, 2011
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A common nickname for new age music. Often used by teens making fun of Enya(new age) or Ladytron(not new age). this can really piss off fans off (i hate enya).
1. OMG! Enya is so airy fairy. I can't believe my parents listen to this shit!
2. Umm.... Ladytron sounds a bit airy fairy.
by Devil Kisses October 10, 2009
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a word i just made up that means "unknown drugs".
Oh my God you gotta try this wahizzle i found! You'll be high for ten fucking days!
by Devil Kisses April 1, 2009
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a psychiatrist or other mental "health doctor". Theyre "keywords" include I'm going to kill myself, I belive that I have powers, I heard a voice in my head telling me to do things, I cant pay attention in class, i cant think clearly, and im so fat. Well most of these people MIGHT be crazy, but a few of them ARENT.
not crazy guy:Do I have to visit that headshrinker?
paranoid parent: Yes you do I heard that you arent paying attention in class.
not crazy guy:wtf
by Devil Kisses April 27, 2009
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