15 definitions by Der Capitan


Derived principally from AKA, a shortening of the phrase, "Known as," rather than, "Also Known As."
It's that crazy guy, KA Shopping-Cart Steve.
by Der Capitan December 7, 2003
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The plural of honky.
by Der Capitan October 17, 2003
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1. The 'audience', so to speak, of a programmer's code.
2. One participating in computer usage. Usually doing something totally unproductive, like looking at porn, playing solitaire, and otherwise generally not working. Bane of sysadmins.
3. See luser.
1. This algorithm is designed specifically to frustrate the user.
2. Sysadmin: Oops, sorry user, looks like I deleted all your projects while you were playing Freecell.
3. See luser.
by Der Capitan December 7, 2003
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Despite bastardization in recent years to the alternate (Read: "Gay") spelling, Narley, gnarley is akin to rad - a late-1980s - early-1990s term, meaning "exceptional", or "cool". Developed on the West Coast, and used primarily by sufers and skateboarders.
"Hey bra, d'dya scope that gnarley tide?"
"Tscha! That was a ripple, man!"
by Der Capitan January 14, 2004
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Well... I mean... I liked it.
I don't have an example for the word Gigli.
by Der Capitan March 11, 2004
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User of software by the corporation KA Microsoft. Generally thought of as powerless, but in actuality connected with limitless high-end software and hardware possibilities, as long as he/she - well, okay, just he - knows what he's doing.
You're not going ANYWHERE today, Microslave.
by Der Capitan December 7, 2003
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tui mater

Latin for "Your mom". Can be used to display one's superiority; even moreso than conventional "Your mom" usage it can, because it's in a different language and makes you sound smarter.
1: So, what're you doin' tonight?
2: Tui mater! O!
3: *face melts from display of awesomenity*
by Der Capitan November 2, 2003
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