15 definitions by Denzel wendell

A middle aged cranky man who gambles daily to see who he can offend with his political points of views all while hating everyone and the donkeys of the world.
This guy is out there shouting 45 all day and hating on the democrats. He’s such an angry Reno
by Denzel wendell March 6, 2019
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Mitway Limp

Employees of Midway Airport who after several months of working there miraculously obtain a limp form walking on the hard concrete floors in the concourse.
I’ve been working at Midway Airport for three months and I’ve got the Mitway Limp.
by Denzel wendell March 2, 2019
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A middle aged white male who complains about everything that doesn’t go his way.
Why’s he acting like a Mcdonkey just because he got stuck on midnights.
by Denzel wendell March 7, 2019
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A lazy person who should just go away and retire.
I sat around at work all day yesterday with my swollen feet up on the table and falling asleep while listening to the clock tick. Wow, was i Owensed yesterday.
by Denzel wendell March 6, 2019
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A person who constantly argues with his wife over FaceTime making everyone in the immediate area feel uncomfortable.
That’s the 4th brownfield he received today while he’s working.
by Denzel wendell March 15, 2019
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A nickname given to any Police Officer who walks a beat and appears to be walking gingerly as if he has two loaves of bread under his feet. Also takes forever to get from point a to point b.
Look at that Johnny Loaves. He’s walking ever so gently like his feet are killing him.
by Denzel wendell March 6, 2019
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A real pain in the ass who does everything in his power to avoid doing the job he’s been paid to do. Sleeping, eating and annoying while at work are his specialties but he still gets the same benefits as all other coworkers.
Wow, that lazy dickball is a real johnnyO. Could you ever imagine being at work and sleeping with swollen feet up and waiting for the boss to let you go home.
by Denzel wendell March 7, 2019
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