15 definitions by Denzel wendell

A middle aged heavy set woman who is built like a linebacker.
You see that girl over there?? She’s built like a singletary
by Denzel wendell March 6, 2019
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To be looked at by your peers as a complete mushmellow when you cannot complete the simplest of chores in your profession. You are laughed at because while trying to complete these tasks your hands shake and lips quiver.
Pretty sure that guy felt frenzeled because of having to do his job. Did you see him he must have been shaking like that because O Dog gave him a reach around in the chocolate meat locker.
by Denzel wendell March 22, 2019
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A middle aged woman who snores like a tired truck driver after 18 hours of driving. She then kicks her spouse and tells him to hit the middle bedroom
Did you hear Snorzilla last night she keep the neighbors up from a block away.
by Denzel wendell March 11, 2019
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When a man puts his toupee on each day like he is flipping pancakes onto his head.
That guy must be flipping the muskrat onto his head each day right out of the center console of his car before work.
by Denzel wendell March 11, 2019
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Wannabee farmer who dresses like a gumba. Walks around Vernon Park Place in either overalls with no shirt or a peach colored polyester pants suit from the 80s. Sings Sinatra songs to all the college kids as he walks by them going to Tufanos, where he has actually banned from for drinking in the buff.
Vernon Park Place Gotti looks like a real momo in that outfit and his voice is horrible. I wish he would just stick to drinking and crawling home. Oh, Baboso!
by Denzel wendell March 14, 2019
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A middle aged man who wanders Vernon Park Place wearing nothing but a robe and slippers while singing Frank Sinatra songs to the college students on their way to class
On my way to class I saw that guy singing Frank Sintra songs. I think that was that guy known as the Vernon Park place gotti
by Denzel wendell March 7, 2019
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A former DJ who is now a wannabe marathon runner. Walks with the Mitway Limp and his idol is JohnnyO.
I was listening to Ice Mike from the 1980s wheels of steel while running the Chicago Marathon even though I have the Mitway Limp. JohnnyO was on the sidelines vigorously cheering me on.
by Denzel wendell March 9, 2019
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