18 definitions by Davezilla

When a political follower lets themselves get fucked over while believing they are being treated well.
Republican Mitch McConnell has become the richest politician in the country while his state has fallen apart and become the most impoverished state in the country.

His brainwashed supporters believe he is saving them from non existent oppression from liberals, when in reality he is just fucking them over.

That's KY Politics for you.
by Davezilla July 7, 2019
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Someone who claims to be neutral and self sufficient, but who is truly totally dependent on others and brainwashed by propaganda.
Objectivist founder Ayn Rand preached of self reliance and neutrality, but survived on welfare while backing right wing authoritarian candidates.
by Davezilla July 7, 2019
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The condition of waking up and realzing you've had an orgasm in your sleep.
I had the most intense snoregasm last night!
by Davezilla November 15, 2006
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The Republican version of gay pride. A Republican who is proud to be Republican despite being fucked in the ass by his own party.
My uncle is proud to be a Republican even though they sent his job to Mexico by writing and passing NAFTA. They even tried to take away his emergency assistance when the farm flooded! That's Republican Pride for you.
by Davezilla July 7, 2019
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