6 definitions by Dalek Sec

A grandmother who, in her many years, has began to look like an old man.
Whoa...I didn't think your grandma was that old, she's, like, a grandman now.
by Dalek Sec November 1, 2007
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An evil race of aliens from the popular British television show Doctor Who. Despite appearances, they are not giant dildos and they can go up stairs.
Jimmy: Is that a giant dildo?
Ian: No...It's a Dalek.
Jimmy: Are you sure?
Ian: Yes...
Jimmy: Looks like a giant dildo to me...
by Dalek Sec November 1, 2007
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An item or tool that leads to your totally pwning those around you.
My controller with the turbo button is my compwnent for utter pwning!
by Dalek Sec November 25, 2007
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Guy1: Someone stole my car!

Guy2: HFMF.

Guy1: ...What?
by Dalek Sec November 1, 2007
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Lazy person's way to say 'hugs and kisses'.
grngrgrrl59: gtg! xoxo!
by Dalek Sec November 1, 2007
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An Oreo that has made contact with the floor and exceeded the "five-second rule."
Guy1: Hey, I just dropped a bunch of Oreo's on the floor-
Guy2: -And you assume I will simply eat these flooreo's, is that it?
Guy1: ...Well...will you?
Guy2: ...Hell yeah.
by Dalek Sec November 28, 2007
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