135 definitions by DANNY

A man that takes care of himself and takes pride in the way he looks and appears to be gay, but is in denial of his own sexuality.
by DANNY March 3, 2005
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interjection, Exclamatory phrase uttered at a state of surprisal or shock. Derived from the sound of Homer Simpson's scream from the Simpsons.
Haugh!, What the hell is that!
by DANNY April 22, 2004
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To verify which is more popular or would win a hypothecial fight by individually searching each contested topic on www.google.com.
RIAA vs. Bittorrent vs. MPAA

RIAA - Results 1 - 10 of about 1,250,000 for riaa definition. (0.05 seconds)

Bittorrent - Results 1 - 10 of about 2,860,000 for bittorrent. (0.05 seconds)

MPAA - Results 1 - 10 of about 2,260,000 for mpaa definition. (0.04 seconds)

Bittorrent wins! (i hope)
by DANNY December 19, 2004
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1. Wazzup my cuzzie, how are you doing?

2. Hey, I haven't seen my cuzzie in a long time, he lives far away.
by DANNY May 5, 2004
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to defend you badger .... in latin
Chairman (Luke) - yekshmesh!!
clients - i do indeed
by DANNY September 30, 2004
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