35 definitions by Cupcakebackpack

A Bulgarian word meaning that you would hit somebody who talks really annoying.
A:daite mi piwe s zewe B: shte ti zashia edna kopilaika da izpravish govora :D
by Cupcakebackpack November 30, 2022
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Ciganior Is a very very very very very very very very very very black person from Bulgaria and he isn't going the etnicitynmangal or Rom he Is Ciganior and he works in germany (dusseldorf to be exact) and drives an BMW, Mercedes or Audi.
A: Brat vish go toq ciganior s toq cheren Mercedes B: V4era vidiah edin ciganior sus Byal BMW jipi puska azis Brat idvashe mi da povarna :D
by Cupcakebackpack December 14, 2022
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Shopar Is a gypsy from Bulgaria which imigrated through india and lives in a shed an has like 2000000 kids and they a shopar woman gives birth at 12.
Ivo: ei maika tishe ebe be shopar slizai ot tam >:(
by Cupcakebackpack January 23, 2023
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A gypsy from Bulgaria which imigrated through india and lives in a shed and has 2000000000 kids.
Ivoei maike ti she eba slizai ot tam be shopar mrusen >:(
by Cupcakebackpack January 23, 2023
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Misirka Is a Bulgarian word that describes a very absent minded woman, that always goes shopping at the mall and when she buys something she always forgets the money.
A: skupi zabravih da platq she platish Li Za mene? <3 dimitur:ei kak e zivota? B: To az na moqta misirka i kazah che trqbva da si vzema parite kogato otiva nqkade tq ne me slusha.
by Cupcakebackpack December 14, 2022
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A very very black man from Bulgaria which steals all the time and he loves begging for money on the kaufland parking.
Mangalin :dai 5 leva B: abe q sa ebi v guza. >:(
by Cupcakebackpack December 7, 2022
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