6 definitions by CrustyTurdSack

The little pussy boy from TellTales The Walking Dead season 3, who the bastards forced to ship with clementine.
Dude 1: "Dude did you hear how In TWD season 3 they forced you too ship with that little bitch Gabriel Garcia?"
Dude 2: " Yeah man its bs, I want my $20 back"
by CrustyTurdSack October 30, 2020
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Another word for pedophile

Originated on the app called iFunny, despite its overwhelming pedophile, racist and terrorist problem. Ifunny would rather censor words than fix the problem.
Guy 1 :" Man I heard the iFunny Mods were ferretphiles"
Guy 2:"What the fuck is a ferretphile?"
Guy 1: "ugh, ifunny and its shitty censor system"
by CrustyTurdSack September 19, 2020
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A funny twitch streamer who gets stream sniped but isnt a bitch about it like the virgin Ninja
Dude 1: " yo you hear of timthetatman?"
Dude 2: "Yeah he is pretty funny, unlike that blue haired trans vestide Ninja"
by CrustyTurdSack October 30, 2020
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A once good company that now has become run by Jews who make games for money and dont care about their fans
"Dude I always buy you beer, stop being an Infinity Ward buy something for someone else"
by CrustyTurdSack July 18, 2020
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A term used when something goes wrong
" My boss rejected my request to get a raise and I promptly yelled the word Nigger "
by CrustyTurdSack July 19, 2020
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A obese usually Ukranian female who thinks she is different for having hobbies such as liking cars, A Yana is very annoying and in self denial at all times, you can see them in their natural habitat shouting "hypocrite!" "Kys" "ok" then calling other people out for doing it
"saw Yana the other day playing jump rope bitch couldn't even jump over it once lol!"
by CrustyTurdSack August 16, 2021
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