21 definitions by CougarSW2

Give false information on a betting forum with the intention of influencing a price.
by CougarSW2 August 15, 2006
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A cabaret-style dance move, popularized by the musical "Fosse". Now used, usually ironically, to express excitement, glee, razzle dazzle, etc.

The move is performed by tilting the head slightly, shimmering the hands with fingers splayed either side of the face and crying "Jazz hands!" with an enthusiastic smile. Think Jack from Will and Grace.

Also *JAZZ HANDS!!!* used as an expressive punctuation on blogs and bulletin boards.
I'm all for guys getting in touch with their emotions but he's just too jazz hands for me.
by CougarSW2 November 15, 2004
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Repetitive Strain Injury.
The price you pay for over-indulging in a single form of entertainment.
"For goodness sake put down that mouse, Johnny! You'll give yourself RSI..."
by CougarSW2 November 19, 2004
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(U.S.) Eat without pausing to chew.
I was so hungry I just inhaled that Big Mac.
by CougarSW2 November 14, 2004
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A woman comedian for whom no allowances need to be made. A brilliant observer of social types in modern Britain...she drills into the kind of people you normally skirt around and taps the wellspring of their irritating nature. Rarely has an apprenticeship with the Royal Shakespeare Company been put to such good use. The nation should immortalize her in Cockney rhyming slang.
"Sorry I'm Catherine, the traffic was awful."
"Can't come out tonight, I've got a Catherine."
"You're looking Catherine, have you lost Catherine?"
by CougarSW2 August 5, 2005
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Seemingly inexhaustible source of polite, well-educated, hard-working, low-cost technical talent.

Should perhaps be renamed Boss's-perfect-IT-man-galore.
"Another three arriving from Bangalore on Monday morning, Susan. Sort out their induction packs for me, would you?"
by CougarSW2 November 18, 2004
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The ceremonial rising of Louis XIV, the Sun King. Doctors, family and a few favoured friends successively enter the King's Bedchamber where he is washed, combed, and, every other day, shaven. The Officers of the Chamber and the Wardrobe then enter in turn for full levee, during which the king is dressed and has breakfast.
From Charlemagne to Napoleon no monarch received such unbounded praise as Louis XIV. But the judgment of our own times upon Louis XIV is very different from that of his own age. And if it be asked nowadays, "Who did the most towards the destruction of the ancien regime?" the correct answer is, "Louis XIV, its greatest representative." The Versailles palace and parks alone cost France one thousand million francs {more than £40,000,000), and there were fifteen other royal palaces.
The Grand Monarch, indeed, seemed to realize the truth in his dying words (1715): "Do not imitate my love for building and for war; assuage the misery of my people."
The Sun King's daily timetable was incumbent on Louis XV and Louis XVI, but neither of them could bear court ceremonial. They tended to flee to their private apartments or smaller chateaus nearby. Levees and couchees became increasingly rare. Courtiers complained that the king was nowhere to be seen.
by CougarSW2 September 9, 2005
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