9 definitions by Connect the Dots

A very long, skinny, curved blade sword used throughout various fantasy RPGs. The most noted being Final Fantasy and Chrono Trigger. The blade is very powerful and difficult to wield efficiently, but any creature it strikes down cannot be ressurected by any means.

Sephiroth is perhaps the most famous wielder of the Masemune, which he used to slaughter many in Final Fantasy 7
While playing Final Fantasy 7, I used Aeris as my main spell caster. She grew to such a high level, then Sephiroth killed her with the Masemune, so I was forced to find a replacement character. I vow to always read game spoilers from now on.
by Connect the Dots July 13, 2005
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The only remotely interesting thing that happens within a 50 mile radius of Miller Place In which furries, vampires, trekies and other various degrees of nerdiness gather to buy overpriced food and spiffy fantasy cosplay outfits. After running around until their fat legs cannot run anymore, they sit down and play RPGs until 2 in the morning when security kicks them out.
Nerd 1: Hey, I just got a free weekend pass to ICon for participating on the robotics team!
Nerd 2: You suck!
Nerd 1: I wonder if a girl will come with me now that I'm a VIP.
Nerd 2: No way, even if you can keep your geekgasms under control, no girl would ever date you, you fucking nerd.
Nerd 1: *tries to cast magic on Nerd 2"
by Connect the Dots April 7, 2005
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SquareEnix (formally Squaresoft) from 1997-2004 when they refused to sell Nintendo Final Fantasy. Run by an evil president who favored evil corporations over stuggling companies who don't try to monopolize the electronics industry. When the evil president was forced to reign, Final Fantasy was returned to Nintendo in the form of Final Fantasy Tactics Advance, the most addicting game on the planet.
Isn't it ironic that Square modeled it's new company policy off of the Shinra in FFVII, the antithesis of good?
by Connect the Dots April 28, 2005
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The artist who created the account Strawberry Clock as a joke and accidentially spawned the Clock Crew He now spends most of his time doing collabs with other artists.
Strawberry Clock: I'm really coolboyman, now you are going to all hate me.

Clock Crew: B for life!
by Connect the Dots August 16, 2005
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1. An alternate account created by the Newgrounds animator coolboyman for the sole purpose of spamming the Flash portal.

2. The animator who, on August 15, 2001, submitted the "flash" B and sparked the creation of the Clock Crew.

3. The King of the Portal even though he never won that award in real life.
Clock Crew Member: Strawberry Clock is king of the portal!!!

n00b: N0 hes not!!11!1 Clawks suk!

Clock Crew Member: Hmm.... Flashes by n00b: -none-
by Connect the Dots August 16, 2005
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A term used while playing Dungeons and Dragons refering to a Goblin riding a Wombat, Gnoll, or Dire Weezle
Jonnadiah: Yes, a 19! Now I do 1d6 damage to Weezlor number 5!
by Connect the Dots May 12, 2005
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1.A game famous for setting a new standard for all 32-bit games. It's graphics rival even the 64-bit Nintendo 64 graphics and it's storyline can't be beat. It has everything a great game should have, explosions, death, crazy bad-guys, chocobos and evil corporations.
2. The game that turned Square into an evil corporation (see Square, the evil corporation)
I have over 100 hours on my Fianl Fantasy VII memory card, how about you?
by Connect the Dots April 28, 2005
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