11 definitions by Chumbucket

1) (n) An American Thanksgiving holiday culinary grotesque: Consists of a chicken, stuffed into a duck, progressively stuffed into a turkey and baked. Provides hours of entertainment in the form of waiting for the sucker to finish cooking and enough sandwich meat to last through The Apocalypse.

2) (n) Any obese human that will set upon a buffet like a plague of locusts, stripping said buffet of all edible material, leaving only the garnish, the decorative toothpicks, and the sweaty cheese cubes from earlier in the day.

3) (n) Any plan that is unnecessarily complicated or futile. Used as a simile.
1) "Time for the Cowboys/Redskins game, is the turducken done yet?"

2) "Uh oh, better hit the foodline before turducken over there strips that bitch."

3) Jeff: "I'll be swapping out this small-block, V8 for an straight six."
Dale: "Baking up a turducken are we?"
Jeff: "What?"
Dale: "Sounds like fun."
by Chumbucket November 1, 2006
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(n) casual reference to the Central Intelligence Agency.
Typically used by chucks trying to impress others by implying they work for the CIA.

Also used by people with a basic understanding of the intelligence business as a general reference to movie and television characters who are supposed to be spies.
Charlene: "Excuse me, do you have the time?"
Chuck: "I'm sorry, I work for The Agency."

Moviegoer #1: "Damn, check out ol' boy's suit."
Moviegoer #2: "Must be an agency man."
by Chumbucket October 24, 2006
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1. An archaic term (preceeded by a number) to indicate the amount of beer one would need to consume prior to engaging in an carnal relationship with a given target.

The term is derived from the number of Budweisers (Buds) needed to overlook any obvious physical deficiencies.

2. Justification of self-induced beer-goggling.
1. Mr. White: Check her out man.
Mr. Blue: Nah. She's about a 6 on the Bud scale.

2. Mr. White: She looking a bit rugged
Mr. Blue: Ten says she's only a 3 on the Bud scale.
by Chumbucket June 14, 2006
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In the FPS computer game Call of Duty, it's that German soldier that materializes in the room that was just cleared, and shoots the player in the back with some species of automatic weapon, making a counterattack impossible.

This primarily occurs when the player doesn't follow the linear construction of the game's timeline and spawn triggers.

For example: Killing every German on a given map prior to actually achieving the objective. After which, while en route to the extraction point, the player is shot and killed by a soldier that apparently dropped from the player's ass (since that's the only place he could have been hiding).
Ovserver: Dude, why the hell are you just running around?
Player: Making sure there are no hostiles left on this map before I set my charges.
Observer: Whats it been, half an hour?
Player: Give or take.
Sphincter Nazi: "Americaner." *Brrrraaaaaaap*
Player: Where the fu...
Observer: Man, you got schooled by that Sphincter Nazi.
by Chumbucket January 16, 2007
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